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DIY Poets during 2020

DIY Poets during 2020

[Written by Lytisha]

A Difficult Year

I have been honoured to be a member of the DIY Poets collective for more than 7 years now, and I’d
like to say how impressed I am with how the group has dealt with the difficult year that 2020 has
thrown at us.
Our regular monthly meetings adapted to become monthly readaround / critique sessions online.
Our quarterly showcase events adapted to become events performed live on zoom and broadcast across several platforms.
The quarterly zine continues, temporarily online only, but available free as ever continuing the DIY ethos that poetry is for everybody.

We have continued to perform at a variety of events: not least of which are the Nottingham Poetry Festival.

Members have supported and performed at fundraisers such as Girls Are Loud for the young girls in Sierra Leone, enabling the supply of basic hygiene equipment and supporting education organised by fellow DIYers and coordinators of Punk for the Homeless Rachel and Eagle.

At We Shall Overcome events locally, contributing to the £800+ raised for local support organisation for those affected by homelessness, Emmanuel House.

In April DIY Poets contributed to the Poetry Aloud Stage at the Iso-Fest reaching thousands across the country and raising an amazing £27,000+ for good causes nationwide.

Published Poets
On top of this several poets have published collections, chap books, videos, and contributed to many anthologies. All this whilst checking in with one another, particularly those unable to access on-line events, and supporting our poeting community.
I’d like to say well done DIY Poets, it’s a privilege to be one of you.

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